Parents and Guardians

KPBSD District Student and Parent Handbook 2018-2019 (Wonderful resource for students and parents/guardians where you will find many of the policies, regulations and practices that the district follows)

 KPBSD Emergency Guidelines for Parents and Guardians

Important Parent Information is located on the KPBSD website under students and parents


PowerSchool (Monitor Your Students Grades, Graduation Plans, Alaska Performance Scholarship and more)

PowerSchool Login

Directions for first time users

Parent Tool Kit (Track and Support Progress of Your Student at Each Stage)

Post-Secondary Planning

FAFSA and FSA Tips for Parents (Financial Aid Money Lent or Given by Federal Government)

Advocacy For Student With Special Needs

Adult Education

(Free math, reading, writing, life skills, GED prep for adults)

Input/Problem Solving  (From KPBSD Student Handbook)

KPBSD supports continuous improvement of its efforts and welcomes, and requires input from students, parents, staff, and community members. KPBSD requires each school to annually develop School Development Plan Goals through committees reviewing their schools data and providing stakeholder input. These plans are developed in alignment with the district’s Strategic Plan: 2017 – 2022 in order to maximize effectiveness. The district offers multiple avenues to provide input, or express Complaints and Concerns. The first attempt to address concerns, and best way, is to contact your school administrator directly. There are also electronic forms available to make both the school and the district aware of things going well, and things of concern. There are electronic forms to provide input on a School, a Teacher, a Principal, and also a Suggestion Box to provide general information.